The Learning Center
The Learning Center assists residents with spiritual development (growing in their walk with Jesus Christ and in their understanding of who they are). The spiritual development program is a 12-15 week requirement of all residents. Residents must attend class daily and complete all required assignments. Once all assignments are completed, then the residents will be eligible to "graduate" Level 1. Only a select number of residents will be offered the opportunity to move into Level 2, which is a Lead Resident role.
- Residents also must complete the Megiddo Dream Station Job Skills training with APFUM volunteers before "graduating" Level 1.
- If a resident is a minor (13-17 years-old), they will attend online public school classes during the Learning Center hours; however, they are required to still complete all the spiritual development assignments before they can "graduate" Level 1. For minors, this will take longer than 15 weeks.
- If a resident needs to complete her GED, then she will need to complete her spiritual development assignments around her GED and Megiddo Class Schedules.