Meet "Hope"

Hope came to APFUM after being expelled from school. She was struggling with substance use and family conflict. Hope voiced, "The biggest thing that I have learned is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a big part of my life now. I am a lot better person because I have learned the importance of why I need to forgive: because Jesus loved me enough to forgive me first."
Hope was presented with a "key necklace" for Level 1 graduation. The Key represents the "Keys to Freedom" she learned while at APFUM. At graduation, Hope expressed, "The thing that I have learned about myself is that I'm loved by many people that I didn't even know. I thought that I had no one. Even when I am in doubt that God is still with me, I know that He is. He always will be and through that, I am learning to love myself too."

Board Vice-President, Jami Stiefle, presents "Hope" with
necklace for graduation.